Winter Quarter 2012

 Perspectives in Assistive Technology 

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Building 530 - Classroom 127

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Information and Instructions for Guest Lecturers

Guest Lecturers,

Thank you once again for your willingness to participate in the Stanford Course: Perspectives in Assistive Technology.

Presentation topic: Your talk can be anything that relates to disability, rehabilitation, assistive technology, or design techniques. You should have both expertise and passion for the topic. You should plan for about 45 minutes presentation including questions. Please consider bringing items to show, pass around, and demonstrate as this adds interest to your talk.

Information needed: If you haven't done so already, please provide me with the following information for the class website and announcements:

  • Title of your talk
  • One paragraph description of your talk
  • One paragraph biosketch
  • Contact information that you would like to give out
  • A digital photograph (head shot)

Class location: The class will be held in in Building 530 - Classroom 127. Refer to the Classroom Location and Accessibility Information webpage for driving directions and parking instructions. Let me know if you would like me to mail you a printed map highlighting the classroom location and nearby parking areas.

Parking information:

  • Parking at Stanford does not require a permit (or feeding meters) after 4pm.
  • Your best chance of finding a parking space is around the Oval or in the parking lot adjacent to Tressider Union.
  • Refer to the online campus map for the location of other parking lots.
  • Please refer to a map to find you way from your car to the classroom.

Class time:

  • Please plan to arrive at the classroom by 4pm for setup. Give yourself extra time to negotiate traffic, navigate around campus, find a parking space, and make your way to the classroom.
  • Class begins promptly at 4:15pm.
  • The lecture ends at approximately 5:30pm.
  • The class will start with a short interactive session (15 to 20 minutes) that I will lead. After a short break, I will then introduce you.
  • You will have about 45 minutes for your presentation, including questions and discussion.

PowerPoint presentation:

  • Email me your PowerPoint presentation the day before you are scheduled to talk so I can load it on my laptop. Send any videos separately. (Having your presentation pre-loaded on my laptop assures that the slides will display properly and makes them available before class to any students with visual impairments.)

  • An LCD projector and speakers are available.
  • I have a wireless device to advance the slides and a laser pointer for your use. (See below)
  • Access to the Internet is available through my laptop.
  • You will be given a wireless microphone to wear on your lapel to record audio from your lecture. Do not handle the microphone as it generates noise.

PowerPoint wireless presenter:

  • Here are the controls for the Logitech R800 wireless presenter.
diagram of controls for the R800 presenter


  • The audience will Stanford engineering students (mostly mechanical engineering) and individuals from the greater Stanford community (typically 40 people).
  • There may be several students who arrive late or have to leave early due to other class committments.

Student interest:

  • Learning about rehabilitation and assistive technology,
  • Obtaining information that can help them pursue a successful assistive technology student team project for this class, and
  • Understanding how their Stanford education in engineering can be used to benefit people with disabilities.

  • Please do not overwhelm the students with technical details. One message to communicate is they can successfully pursue an assistive technology project.

Handout material: Please provide me with a soft copy of any handout material before your presentation if you would like me to make copies of them.

Presentation content suggestions: Please consider including the following items (if appropriate) in your presentation:

  • Introduce yourself, briefly provide some career-oriented context: your educational and employment backgrounds
  • Who do you work for presently?
  • What are you doing now?
  • What kinds of projects are you working on?
  • Who do you work with - professionals in what fields?
  • What tools and design processes do you use to succeed in your job?
  • How are you funded?
  • What are some unmet challenges in your specific field of work?
  • What is your perspective on your work and your professional field as it relates to assistive technology and rehabilitation?
  • How does your work impact people with disabilities or the fields of assistive technology and rehabilitation?
  • Provide at least one good example of your work (hopefully it will include some mechanical engineering components).
  • Include comments on how you address ethical issues such as safety and privacy and how you interact with people with disabilities.
  • Engage the audience with questions such as:
    • What do you think of when ...
    • How would you solve this problem ...
  • Bring items to display, demonstrate, and pass around.
  • Please keep your presentation short and concise to allow for questions and discussion.

Lecture material posted on the course website:

  • Contact information - information for students to contact you
  • Lecture audio - audio recorded from the entire class session
  • Slides - a pdf version of you slide set (You can request removal of specific slides you don't want published on the website.)
  • Handouts - pdf versions of any class handouts
  • Photos - images taken in class of guest lecturer and any devices brought to class

Class website:

Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you again,

Dave Jaffe
650/892-4464 cell

Updated 01/03/2012

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